Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Birthdays and Big News

Been a while . . .

Well, grandson, Levi, celebrated his second birthday a couple of days ago.
A great reason for all available family members and friends to gather and, of course, inundate him with hugs and prezzies.

Not that he is all that into hugs.
Far too many interesting toy trucks, tractors, tools and other related machinery around for him to be side tracked by all that moosh!

The beeg cake-cutting moment.

Levi checks to see if his new drill will make a hole in Oupa's hand, watched by Unca Deon.

"Oupa, give me a turn!"
I don't know who had more fun with the bubbles. . .

Se and Ella, who is next up with her first birthday very soon. They had to leave much loved Unca Steve (SS) behind, so he missed it all and we missed him.

Also missing and missed: Unca Don and little Aunty Lisa, both working.

Missing from pics, SD Lisa, who tends to run and hide when the cams come out (Hi Lis!) and Sam (SGD) who is partly visible in the cake cutting ceremony (Hi Sam!)

You have to grab photo opportunities when they crop up. Check Faithy's expression!

Talking about grabbing opportunities for pics - a happy moment during the party with Sheila - helper, friend and mentor.

I have had my haircut short - did you notice? No big deal for anyone else but a fairly big one for moi.I had planned for the longer side bits but somehow that didn't happen.


Sunday was a totally great day - loving our new church

We went for brunch afterwards with Dee and Lis (JS and DIL) and then they and Steve, Se and Ella came round to our place and hung out there for the arvie.

Ella was a star - she's been sick for quite a while - but she played happily with anyone who wanted to for the whole afternoon.

Dee was an enthusiastic playmate and gave his bru and sil a chance to chill out in the process.

Giggles with Dad and Unca Dee.


Complete change of subject: we are selling our house!

Neither of us planned to do that - ever.

But things change and that seems to be the way we are being led - a brand new adventure. I am between being thrilled at the prospect and a little intimidated at the hugeness of what lies ahead.

Anyone in the market for a house that is not likely to be available too often?

Front view

Views from the house
Feel free to check it out further on http://www.sellingprivately.co.za/


fredsterific said...

Although you esteem me MUCH too highly, I am honored and encouraged to hear your kind words. Truthfully, my singular desire is for the whisper of a life to count for HIS fame.

P.S. you have a beautiful family!

Mel said...

*sigh* much as the house never appealed to ME, its gonna be real sad to see it go. Bye bye to another era.....

Jo said...

Oh I thought you were going to rent out for a couple of years? Fill us in, its all too confusing.