Monday, September 22, 2008

Hopefully Motlanthe

I am stoked! And watching "this space" with bated breath. It is now out there in the public domain that even Zuma is backing Motlanthe to be the stand-in president of the country. Any of you who read my last post would know that I have a high opinion of this man and was really hoping that he would emerge for the presidency. Of course, the possibility exists that he won't get it just because he is so highly regarded, politics being what they are. Competition is a terrible thing. In the meantime, it is all good news: Motlanthe is the man to beat - AND our stock exchange was actually stronger today than on Friday! Go figger. Obviously many people feel that this might be a positive for South Africa after all. Life sure is unpredictable. But exciting . . .


Gill said...

Strange days indeed in this country of ours! I was also very relieved to hear that Motlanthe got the nod. Still have to wonder what the future holds though??

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy! what's happening with politics around the world. I guess I need to take my rose tinted glasses off for a while and see the real world. Oh just give me a cocktail on San Pedro Belize instead :)