Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mallowdeen Quickie

I thought I would do a picpost. Since I took a weekend I could ill afford off my frantic work schedule to relax with DH in Robertson (about 2 hours from Cape Town inland). (I am submitting to peer pressure and reverting to 'DH' Someone asked recently: "So who IS MM?" I thought it might get about that I had another guy in my life that I was doing all this intimate stuff with. Let me go on record, though: I HATE the "Dear Husband" label: It sux. So. Moving right along.) I had the mistaken idea that a picpost would be quicker. Ja, RIGHT! When did you last upload pix on a Sunday night? Cute cottages hey? Only two and a same-style dining room, all at the pool This is the farm house where mine hosts dwell - they are Dutch people. They love this country - even in the face of the latest political hooha. More about that later - maybe If I have the strength to go there.


This is the life!

Breakfast at the pool on the first beautiful, still, sunny, warm day we have had in living memory.

And that is almost true. We have had storms - man! One after the other, just chasing each other round our coast. Altogether now. . . . Aa-a-ah-h! Sha-a-a-me! Ok, I know. I said that too This little oke was seriously cute And I'm done for now -


Gill said...

Looks like you had a fantastic weekend, that place looks heavenly!

Unknown said...

Looks great! Glad you guys had a good time.