Friday, October 17, 2008

Organic Moves

I sometimes think I am seriously disturbed. I am the only person I know that suffers serious guilt every time I use the garbage disposal "gobbler" in my kitchen sink. I have had it for nearly 5 years. Do you know how much guilt that involves?! "Why the guilt?" you may be wondering. Or not, if you are into environment, ecological, green stuff. I wasn't - or thought I wasn't But clearly I am. Because I kept thinking: "If everyone in the world put all their biodegradable stuff into their units as I am doing and siphoned it off into the sea, we would end up with dead soil. I mean, dead. I am now determined to get an earthworm farm thingie. I tingle with anticipation at the thought a) of never having to deal with that particular guilt again. b) of having real homemade ORGANIC (there's that word) compost - made with my own fair hands. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. c) of having a transformed garden because of the above. I have heard of small kitchen gardens that have become so productive that their owners are selling veggies to their neighbours! So, the project for the weekend is to get low cost housing for some earthworms (how many do you need, I wonder?) in our backyard and then sit back and watch them eat their way through my garbage and my guilt. I can almost feel the virtuous glow that awaits me . . . .


Jo said...

I have a wormie thingy, The problem is that you need lots and lots and lots and lots of worms to make a difference, anyone tell you any different, I want to talk to them. I have had mine for 1 year and seriously they can not eat our peelings if I just gave them to them once a week, unfortuntely. But its a start.

Gill said...

I also want one of those worm thingies, they sound brilliant. I have such good intentions of becoming all organic, but I am soooo lazy about putting them into action. The closest I have come is my organic door-sized garden, which produces lots and lots of lovely spinach.

allie. said...

Hmmm - Jo, please don't deflate me - I am like Gill, all to easily given to good ideas remaining just that!

I will have to find all those gazillions of wormies if thats what it takes.

May be tomorrow . . *g*

And Gill, I could HUG you!
A fellow "good intentioner" - but congrats on the veggie garden - spinach is great: just keeps on giving.