Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two Things

Number One: Hurtle over to to check out a brand new addition to Blogland. John Ellis, of Tree 63 band fame, is not only going solo (his first album should be out soon and is bound to be a duzy) but has also crossed the border into Blogland. John and Tree (as the band was then known) spent a few days in Fish Hoek some years back and they stayed at our place for part of the time. They, and Tracey, John's wife, were such fantastic people and such great company, that we were miserable for days after they left. If he blogs as well as he sings, we are in for a treat. Check it out, nnkay? Number Two: Our house is hitting the market in the next couple of days. Any of you who have been down this particular road, know what this entails: *tremble* *stress* But also: *excitement* *anticipation* * Wahaaa! Pray with us, that things move along as they ought, if you will.


Terry said...

I feel for you. My wife and I had our house on the market last year at this time as we were wanting to move to Arizona from windy and cold Wyoming. We were blessed as our house was on the market only four months before it sold.

It is was easy to keep show ready as it was just my wife and I living there. Every time we have moved I've said "never again" only to move again. This time I said "I hope this is the last move."

One good thing about moving Allie, is it makes you downsize. Have a great day and God Bless!

allie. said...

Thanks Terry - wow! you were blessed; your house sold very fast at a time when the market was at its worst.
Definitely, downsizing is going to be a plus in all of this: added to that, it is something we believe the Lord is asking us to do, so there is much excitement in the midst of the angst.