Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another Then and Now

The brood then:
L to R
SS, a blond windsurfing fanatic: JS, the feisty baby of the family;
 JD long legged and braving cruel braces, 
and SD, the already very grown up one.
I'm guessing very early 80's.

Today we had a "first of a kind" gathering here. We invited our children to breakfast with us.
                                             Just them. No spouses. No grandchildren.
                       We tried to remember the last time we all sat around the table like that.
                                                                We couldn't.
                                      Suffice to say, it was when they were still at school.

                                                        So today was very special to me
                                                                          To us.

                                            Here they are, all grown up and gorgeous.
                                                   And we are very proud parents!

                                            We know we can't take any credit: God gets that.
                                     But we are stoked that they are all such wonderful people!


MrsLG said...

It was such a good morning! Spark of genius. Thank you. xx

allie. said...

Yes it was - good and genius ;-)
We loved every moment of it.
Thank you also XX

cat said...

That is such a great idea - and a lovely photo you got too. My cousin and her mother, father and siblings have a weekend together every year - only them, apart from, as she says, babies at the breast at the time. LOL. A grand tradition if you ask me.

MelB said...

Yes, a noteworthy event. Not sure about a weekend away....well maybe if no board games are invovled. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Allie says::
@ Cat - I don't think the partners of our kids would take too kindly to a yearly weekend away for their better halves :-)
But doing the same again every 6 months or so - doable I think.

@ Mel - hahahaaa! I'm guessing even board games would be doable now. But see above . . .

Lynette Jacobs said...

You have a very handsome family Allie, must be in the genes;-)

We have frequent breakfasts with our boys and it is times that I cherish.