Thursday, February 23, 2012


The last couple of days I have felt horrible
Low spirited, dark grey and directionless.
And seemingly unable to pick myself up although I know the theory of "self up-picking"

And then last night, when I had nothing to offer but my emptiness: nothing to bring but my empty hands and numb heart, God met me.
In power.
In reality.
In breathtaking, rivetting truth.

And lifted helpless, hungering, me right up again
And overwhelmed me with His huge kindness, His unthinkable Father-ness.

Today, i dance again
With gratitude and joy.


Wendles said...

So sorry I missed Wednesday but He did not forget about me. He did the same thing for me today. Wow, He is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Allie says:
He is awesome indeed. I love Hm SO much!

Lynette Jacobs said...

Awesome...the way only He can.