This is one of those utterly charming moments that happen from time to time in life
And give it a rosy, smiling glow.
I walked behind these two as they slowly entered the shop: she elderly and bent, using two walking sticks and very unsteady on her feet
He, very tall, young, handsome, black, elegant -
Carrying her handbag and her packets, his strong hand tucked under her arm to help her
Although his solicitous way with her made it look as though he was escorting her to an outing!
It was such a touching sight that I sneaked this pic of the two of them.
But you know me (well, some of you do!) - I couldn't leave it there.
I wanted to talk to them: get a feel for their obvious friendship.
Turns out this lady is very smart and together, feisty even, but had had a fall that day.
Not, she assured me, for any other reason than that she misjudged the height of the curb, lost her footing and fell between her car and the curb.
I think she wanted me to know that it wasn't her age that made her so unsure of her footing :-)
She was quite badly battered though, with a large gash, recently stitched up, on her left eyebrow and apparently very bruised ribs.
But as you can see, full of vim and smiles.
Luckily, she confides in me, Peter* is on leave and he can help me
I ask the two of them if I can take a picture of them
She modestly declines but he persuades her, smiling at me.
This is the result
It read "Jesus is Lord" which explains a lot!
His kindness, sense of quiet fun, his obvious attachment to his friend made an indelible impression on me
And, I'm sure, on others who saw what I did.
* Not his real name.
So glad you got to speak to them and that you are sharing their story here. It gives me so much hope for the future of our beautiful country.
Lovely story:-) Gives one hope.
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