Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Must Read

Today is about this book:

This is not a book you just read - it's a book that you experience.
It also reads you.

Whatever you make of it, you can't miss it.

And after you have experienced it, go to

It would be a mistake to go to the site first - you may spoil something fragile for yourself if you do . . .

Sympathies to all you young moms who have to crawl out of bed in the dark and cold again tomorrow as schools start again.
(Don't think I get away scot free though - MM goes to work REALLY early a lot of the time. Tuesday we have to up at 4.30am! Ugh!)

Tell me what you think afterwards - ok?


Jo said...

What is the book about? Come on just a snippet maybe....

allie. said...

Jo - Mel is reading it at the moment.
So - I can't give you a snippet but you could ask her.
I will ask her to comment on this post when she's done - how's that?
By the way, I enjoyed spending time with you the other day.
We should do it again sometime - we house seller people!

The Running Golfer said...

Hi Allie, I`ve seen you post on Kevin`s site and my wife Hayley is also a reader of your blog.

I just finished reading the book and I was absolutely captivated by it.
Here is a link to a post where I share some thoughts on this amazing book.

Please let me know what your thougths are regarding the book, I would love to hear.