Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In the Genes?

I am happy today - got a lousy cold but am happy anyway. There are good things happening in my world. (In spite of Blogger not listening to me about spacing . . . ) First, Sheila, my friend and helper, has heard that her daughter will be ok.

Her daughter was admitted to hospital with a mysterious illness that paralysed her from the waist down and affected her face as well.

It looked like a stroke - very scary. It will take time and physio, but she will be ok.

Then JS has landed a very good job: he started today and is really stoked about it. He and his wife also moved into a new place closer to their places of work yesterday.

These are two things that they have both been really looking forward to. So glad for you, guys!

On top of that, DH has had good news concerning his business. And, Lord knows, good news in business is pretty scarce at the moment!

(Please US government, DO SOMETHING FAST!)

On a completely different tack -

I have just checked JD's blog - (which, incidentally, I highly recommend)

where she is showing off her very spunky new haircut And her today's look: Ugg boots, long jersey . . . So what the story about that? This: This is what I was wearing today! Is it in the genes, do you think?

Or do we just both know what's comfortable?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks ma. God is always so good :)

Love ya