Sunday, October 5, 2008

WHO for President?

Had a giggle today when I looked on my sidebar at the Feedjit column - I noticed that a few hopefuls had visited my blog to read an old post called: "Granny Allie for President." In these turbulent political times of elections (USA), resignations (Israel) and firings (SA) - the matter of the presidency (ANY presidency!) is a hot topic in many people's minds. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when those folks read my post though - It was SO not about that. (Check it out if you wanna) Ah well - such is life when you google . . . *gurgle*


Mel said...

Classic - now you know how to increase your hits....if you ever discover that you want to!

Kevin said...

You've inspired me to add 'president' to the title of a post soon - just for kicks.