Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I'm reading an intriguing new book
Called "Living before God" - author Ben Campbell Johnson.
He has coined a fascinating phrase and concept:
This is how he defines it:
"Life-sleep" describes a peculiar state of existence in which a person functions effectively in the external world with little, if any, awareness of either the depth of the world or their own personal depth."
He goes on to say:
"Most who sleep through life don't even suspect, much less discover, what lies beneath the surface.
Some even fail to wonder about the meaning of things.
But most people, in my opinion, long to awaken to a fulfillment that has eluded them, but can't find the way into this mysterious depth."
He poses these questions:
"What would it take to cure our somnabulism (sleep-walking)?"
"What would happen to us if we woke up?"


Shayne said...

Thought provoking stuff. What would happen?? People would have to face up to the reality of their own lives and actually deal with things that they don't want to/have the strength to. It would mean coming out of their comfort zones and taking a good, hard look at themselves. Something i think most of us are very scared to do!

Profound post for the last day of 2008 Allie.

Hayley said...

Would not mind geting my hands on that book.
Thanks Allie.