Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, Lookee Here!

Its Saturday and nobody posts on a Saturday. Well, hardly anyone. But I have to because, people, someone has made me laugh; ponder, and generally enthuse over their latest post. Gill, in my book, is a hands-down winner for the first "Great Post" award. Why don't you mosy across to her spot (at "Gill's Jottings" - on my sidebar)and read her: "When Insults Had Class"? You'll see what I mean and I'm sure you will agree. (Sorry I couldn't do the direct link - its Blogger's latest mean trick and I dunno how to get past it. Its *%@#$@* irritating Gill, I see on your Twitter column that your daughter has shingles? So sorry to hear that, its miserable Poor thing - I hope she gets past it quickly. Have a great weekend people (Yay, the Super 14 Rugby season is up and running, and sweating, and punching and scrumming and and. . )


Lynette Jacobs said...

Allie, you are a true South African through and through...politics, cricket, rugby the whole shebang!

Gill said...

Wow! Allie, thank-you SO much for giving me this faaaantastic award, I'm truly honoured :-) I'll have it up in my sidebar very soon and will pass it on during the week. Yay!!