(Does that mean I've been bitten??)
I realised when I chatted to Mel that I had missed a lot the first time I watched it.
And rewatching it, I have to admit, a lot became clearer
Even Edward looked a tad hotter :-)
Warning though - learn from my mistake -
Do NOT watch the Special Features if you are an Edward fan.
I will for now say no more
But you have been warned.
And now for something completely different:
I bought this from a guy on the side of the road this morning
I absolutely LOVE it.

ummmm - what IS it?
Kirsty - non comprehendo.
What is on the Special Features or what is the thing on the wall?
yeah - the "thing" you bought at the traffic light. What IS it??!! x
I feel so left out - I haven't watched the DVD or read the book yet. I am going to have to hire it this weekend - it is time!!
He is SOOOOOOO hot!
Can't wait for New Moon to be released....
Ok Kirsty - I'll bite.
Its a metal wall decoration: its of 2 daisy-type flowers, one arum lily and a butterfly.
SO skillfully crafted.
It serves no purpose but to look great.
Rambler man - nothing like the simple approach, hmm!
waaahaaa! you watched it again. I win I win! *calming down*
Seriously, ja, Edward grows on you. He begins to look more attractive as his character develops.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the wall dingamalinkie.
I haven't seen the movie, and whilst I read an enjoyed the book I wasn;t blown away by it... a lot of it had me reminiscing about when I used to read "Sweet Valley High".
I think I'll wait till the movie is on DSTV.
Hey Gill! I feel quite envious that you still have it ahead to see!
Hope you like it.
And Hi Angel! - Welcome to the Teilight/Edward debate :-)
i've decided to make the effort and read a little - in amongst everything on my assoted plates.. hehe
I'm stil not certain what the fuss about Edward is. just thoght I'd share.
Rambler and I agree to disagree on this one. Althought I do like Vampire stories quite a bit ;0)
That's a nice thingymabobby you got on your wall now. Enjoy it whislt clearing those sinusses. and get better soon ne!
Sheesh FJ, make your life easier: watch the dvd!
So much faster and easier, specially for a busy oke like you
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