Monday, September 21, 2009

If Only

I wish I were married If only I were free. I wish I had children What happened to MY life; MY space! I can't wait for my kids to grow up I wish they were little again, and close to me If only I had stax of money I yearn for the simple life I wish I had a great job If only I could stay at home and watch my kids grow I wish my man adored me; wanted to be with me more . . . If only he wouldn't be so suffocating; it drives me crazy When we wish for our dream situation, all we see is the rosy side of it When we get it, it is often very different from what we imagined - and we can't see any rosy side at all! And so we can pendulum-swing from discontent to discontent The problem could be having Public Enemy Number One (well, mine anyway) "ME" at centre stage That demanding, insatiable horror - Who causes us to be unwittingly Self centred; self absorbed; self seeking - I firmly believe that a fulfilled life lies on the other side of all that. The question being: Who will take me there? Who will rescue me? Because I cannot get rid of my own Self-ness Fulfillment is a bit like humility If you chase it for yourself, you will never have it. There are verses that say something like that, aren't there?


Lynette Jacobs said...

Great post...that is human nature for you...we are just never satisfied are we? Now I will be thinking about the little things that truly make me happy.

Shayne said...

Great post allie. So often we are busy focussing on what we don't have and what we don't think we are, that we forget what we do have.

thanks for this.

Mel said...

Oh man, how true. My post of Saturday speaks a bit about this.

The last 3yrs have taught me many lessons about this exact thing!!!

Anonymous said...

excellent post Allie - so wise.

I hear my own voice in many of those sentences.

"let nothing be done out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humbleness of heart esteem others more highly than yourself" i think its in Philipians ?

Kirsty said...

very, very thought provoking... and oh so true! It's always : "I want what YOU have" ... until you have it. And then you realise you don't want it at all! x