Friday, March 19, 2010

His Reunion

DH is out at a high school reunion dinner thingy. He is totally freaked out to think that it is 40 years ago that he finished school. He says he can hardly remember anyone - I don't buy that. Not altogether anyway. Hope that any stray ex-girlfriends have put on multitudinous amounts of weight and developed bad breath and irritating laughs. Seriously, I can't wait to hear his stories when he comes back. Which, I have just heard, will be soon. So this will be short I am doing the mom/grandmother thing this weekend; staying with SS and his two very young girls SDiL has gone to Gauteng on a sports tour. She knows he is very capable but definitely, a full time extra pair of hands is necessary. Hence, moi.

1 comment:

Lynette Jacobs said...

...and you will do well with those extra pair of hands and just loving and being there.

Have a great weekend Allie.
