Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just Him

Little devotionals are posted by this man on Face Book daily.They are all inspirational
But this one especially grabs me:

"Christ’s first disciples followed Him just when He beckoned.
It was just Him, not what He did for them, no money, no honor or place.

Take Levi, for example, a customs tax official.
Sitting collecting tax dues, a shadow fell across his table and he looked up, straight into the eyes of Christ. 
Jesus simply said “Follow Me!” (Mark 2,14)
Captivated, he dropped everything. 

He knew nothing about Jesus being the Messiah, but this was the Man for him, larger than doctrine.
Doctrine is spun about Jesus, but it is not arguments of doctrine that bring Him followers. 
It is just Him.
Just Jesus!

Be blessed."



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