Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I found inspiration with Lynette - thanks to you, my friend! Yay for memes - Here we go: How long have you been blogging? About 15 months Why did you start blogging? Mel made me What have you found to be the benefits of blogging? I have made friends; heard amazing stories; laughed, wept, empathised, got angry together with fellow travellers on this life road How many times a week do you post an entry? Am shockingly inconsistent How many different blogs do you read on a regular basis? About 12 Do you comment on other people’s blogs? Yes. I regard them as friends and am very interested in their lives Do you keep track of how many visitors you have? Yes, and this is the part that I find scary. It feeds into my insecurities horribly. That's why I MADE myself put up the Followers thingie If so, are you satisfied with your numbers? Do they HAVE to labour this point! Ok then - Am split-brained here. Part of me (the insecure part) is SO not: wants to have a huge readership. The rational part is well, more rational, knowing I could not relate in the same way to large numbers of readers. Let's face it, I'm a bit of a mess here. :-) Do you ever regret a post that you wrote? Nah. Well - only in the sense of: "How lame was THAT!" Do you think your audience has a true sense of who you are based on your blog? Yes for sure Do you blog under your real name? Yup Are there topics that you would never blog about? Yes. Too many family members are cyber-junkies. I don't want to shatter their illusions about me. Let them keep thinking that I am together and cool What is the theme/topic of your blog? If you know, please tell me Do you have more than one blog? If so, why? Yes. This one is arb, expresses my need to be flippant and breezy: the other, my pondering, meditative side. I'm not sure that they can live happily together in one blog. I think they may be like siblings - having a love/hate relationship And want to bliksem each other Have you ever deleted a comment from your blog? No. I haven't needed to. Its quite disappointing really - Why do you blog?


Mel said...

Hey there - damn straight I made you blog and thats just another fantastic reason to Love Me!

btw - the yellow is awfully hard to read - best to change it....

allie. said...

And just in case any of you think Mel has gone colour blind, I have changed the yellow print.

Laura said...

I am definately going to do this :)

I stopped checking my numbers - it really does just get out of hand ;-p

Lynette Jacobs said...

Heehee..thanx Mel...or else we would never have gotten to know you. Who you are shines through your answers and I can't wait to meet you in real life.
