Sunday, September 5, 2010

Burst of Energy

A definite mark, for me, that Spring has really sprung, is the surge of gardening energy that suddenly hits me.
For months I have walked past sadly neglected pots and troughs, that last Summer sported bright splashes of petunia splendour.
In the Winter, my thoughts do not turn to the garden: rather to how I can escape having to hang around outside.
So Saturday was THAT day for me: a frenzied buying and planting of the brightest and hardiest annuals I could find.
Here is a pic post of some of those and of some corners of our garden that have a sort of 'scruffy chic' - or maybe, I just like the way they look after themselves.
One of these days, these troughs will be a blaze of colour.
I can't wait!


Shayne said...

I'm just like you Allie! I think the warmer weather cannot help but draw us outside and get you working in the garden. I'm waiting patiently for the rain so that in just a few weeks thereafter my garden will hopefully be a blaze of colour too!

Trix's Mix said...

Beautiful garden and what breathtaking view! You are privileged indeed!

Lynette Jacobs said...

I have had to suppress the urge to plant and go crazy...with PE being in it's second year of drought and being restricted to 500 litres of water per day is not easy.

The view from your home is breath taking.

Joanne said...

All looks like a great mix for summer. Showing your view to my mates at work :)