Saturday, January 15, 2011

Of Hats and Chats

The Hat, Honey and I
She is a little beauty even without the Hat.

In mid-conversation

Captivated by my clever and gorgeous granddaughter

And now, TWO gorgeous kids
Deep in conversation
It all needs a lot of thought and discussion

Lulu - precious little person!

Ok Granny, let's see how it looks with The Hat on the back of your head.
You know, like I was wearing it?
Oh, ok then.
Bring it

"No Granny, not over your face!"

Happy now!

But just look at this child!
I was tempted to give her The Hat: it looks that good.
And this good!
Almost irresistable
But no
In spite of how she looks in it, The Hat stays with moi.
And thats all, folks.

Thanks for visiting


MelB said...

Goodness, such gorgeousness indeed. This mom is marking the days as my firstborn slips into young lady!

Thanks for a LOVELY morning on the deck, special times.


I'm so not a blogger said...

aaah, lovely:-)

Kirsty said...

gorgeous photos!!! You might have to buy a second hat....;)

Lynette Jacobs said...

A stylish Gran and her gorgeous and stylish bambinos....this style must run in the family...and the beauty too:)