Oupa and Hooli playing cards is never a quiet affair. They are both highly competitive. And both really get into it. I was glad to be able to sneak in and get some of their moments. And now For something completely different: |
Remember I was going to keep you in the loop about how this product worked on my shockingly weak and broken nails? Well here's the first update. |
I think there's a visible difference, don't you? I have purposely kept filing them short as they recover. I love the product too: makes your skin feel amazing! |
DD2 (Melb) and I think she is a natural! Pop over and say Hi, kay?
Ah, what an epic clip! please upload it to facebook and tag me okay? I love keeping all my clips online.
And your nails are looking amazing Ma! sjoe - for once there is such a thing as miracle treatment.
I watched the clip again and had to LOL at hoolis jubilation when we was winning and then when Dad says he has to miss a turn he says *i dont care*....sore losers at this age jong!
@ Mel - those games went on for ages.
They both love it so much - the rowdier the better.
The only thing that freaks Hooli out is if Dad knocks Bieber - so of course, he knocks him all the time!
You know how it is.
We loved having Hooli overnight
Your nails look amazing and so does your hair.
Off to go and check out "Cool Runnings".
He kept telling me that dad was calling Bieber a Poof or boo or something...i said maybe it was a Boef? JA, a boef, he exclaims!
LOL - I can just imagine.
It warms the cockles of this moms heart to see the interaction.
They are so funny together!
Sometimes I want to knock their heads together - its like they are both 4!
Dad knocked poor old Bieber into touch -
I had to explain to Hooli that he was only doing it to tease him cos he was really upset.
Hence the pics!
Um mel - whats the point?
You are not on FB anymore, remember
I am not off facebook forever? Did you not read the latest post? Besides fb is the best place to store photos and video clips!!!
If it is there I can share it and save it to my pc aswell. I cant take it from here.
Your nails are looking really great as is the hair! Glad you have found success! x
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